Would you like to get a better understanding of the benefits of an electrical installation condition report (EICR)?
Let’s start by running through the basics.
The EICR is a vital preventive maintenance tool, which:
Although the physical aesthetic benefits to an EICR are virtually none (unlike having LED lights fitted, for example, whereby the improvements are visual and satisfying), it is nevertheless an essential part of your electrical compliance procedures.
In short, no.
The installation should comply with the edition of the wiring regulations applicable at the time of installation.
Again, with regards to additions and alterations, they should comply with the edition of the regulations applicable at that time.
New work should comply with the latest edition of the regulations.
It is imperative that the competent electrician carrying out an EICR has a good knowledge of different types of installations of differing ages to allow them to make engineering judgement.
They must be able to asses which parts of the installation were installed and when, and which edition of the regulations were applicable.
In a perfect world all of the work would have been certified with the correct installation dates, but this is not always the case and so this is where experience and engineering judgement may have to be called upon.
The main objectives are:
It is a specialist area, which requires patience and logical thought, coupled with a good client relationship.
Whilst the reporting is essential, as a company we understand that our clients are running a business and any downtime may not be acceptable, or even possible in some situations.
The EICR has been designed to cater for this. It allows limitations both agreed and operational, to allow the end user and the electrical inspector to mutually agree the scope of the EICR.
If you need any advice on electrical safety, electrical compliance or you just want to talk EICRs then please comment or get in touch.